Abgelichtet von Annie Liebovitz, beeindruckt die 43 jährige Sängerin in einem phantastischen Outfit von Saint Laurent Paris. Lässig und gleichzeitig elegant und feminin! Durch den umwerfenden Look, schafft es die Januar Ausgabe zu einem der besten Vogue Cover seit langem.
Photographed by Annie Liebovitz, the 43-year-old singer looks marvelous in Saint Laurent Paris. Progressive and still femme and majorly elegant! The stunning cover outfit makes the January Vogue to one of the best covers for a long time.
Bilder © Annie Liebovitz for Vogue US
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Photographed by Annie Liebovitz, the 43-year-old singer looks marvelous in Saint Laurent Paris. Progressive and still femme and majorly elegant! The stunning cover outfit makes the January Vogue to one of the best covers for a long time.
Bilder © Annie Liebovitz for Vogue US
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